How are you handling change?

I haven’t posted anything for a month and I apologize for my inactivity. I started a new job 5 weeks ago and my life has been in transition. Joanna and I are also moving in the next few weeks, so that’s another change. Sometimes changes are welcome and needed, other times they are unwelcome and unneeded. But one thing we know for sure, changes are coming. If we don’t handle changes well, our life can seem like it’s on a downward spiral.

Life is full of changes, no one is exempt from changes. So, we had better have a good attitude about change. I look forward to changes, otherwise our lives would be pretty boring. Changes offer the opportunity to learn something new or meet someone new.

If we look at change from God’s perspective, we can see why these changes are necessary. God is in control of everything, there is nothing that he does not have control of. God and his word are the only things that will not changes. But God is truly the author of change. Not all of the changes we experience in life are to our liking. But, if we trust our heavenly Father, it is his will that we go through these changes. Many times we can’t understand why something happens.

Isaiah 55:8-11 says “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and make it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

Did you ever think about how God keeps track of all the people on the planet and knows the decisions they will make before they make them?

When we make decisions that don’t line up with his will, what happens? His will is done anyway. God accounts for human decisions that go against his will and still accomplishes what he wants in the end.

So, like I said earlier God is factoring in decisions of all the people on the planet and still able to accomplish his will at the end of the day.

We can’t wrap our minds around how he does this, but I am glad he is able to do it. If God wasn’t in control of everything, everything would be out of control. There would be no order to the universe we live in.

Psalms 145:3 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.

God is in control of every situation in every second of every day. Every change that takes place on the planet, God is the author of each change that takes place.

There are often consequences for not following God’s will. Sometimes we experience pain, discouragement and frustration as a result.

Changes are inevitable, that is part of life, nothing remains the same forever except God and his word.

Does it make sense that we should consult God before making any decisions?

Of course, it does, but sometimes that is easier said than done.

So, how do you seek his will for your life?

Pray, seek the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind

Study his word, God often speaks to us through his written word

Pay Attention, to what is going on around you, God can speak through other people and situations

Listen, be quiet, stop thinking about work and all the other distractions in your life and focus on Jesus.

God has a plan for each of our lives. He has created each of us to do the work of his kingdom and he has given each of us gifts in different areas.

God created you for a special purpose, with the gifts, talents and abilities to get the job done.

God wants you to diligently seek his will for your lives. He wants to reveal his plan to you and empower you to do the work you were created to do.

Spend time praying and seeking God’s will for your lives. When you find out what your purpose is and what God created you to do, you will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the work.

When you are doing what God created you to do and are walking in your destiny, you will run and not grow weary. When you find your spiritual sweet spot, God can use you to do great things to bring honor and glory to his name.

We know the safest place to be is in God’s perfect will for our lives. Sometimes walking in his will requires patience, Psalms 27:14 says “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He will strengthen your heart; wait I say, on the Lord. We need to be aware of God’s timing and walk with patience according to his will.

The Lord truly is the author of change, he is in control of every detail of our lives.

Find out what God’s will is for your life and start living your destiny.

I challenge you to seek God’s will for your lives and to start walking in his will. Find out what God wants to change in your life and turn the steering wheel over to him.

Instead of resisting change, let’s anticipate and accept change. Let’s look forward to change, because change is how God makes his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God uses changes to make things happen.

Blessings to you today and thanks for reading my blog.